My name is Stephanie Bradley. I am a Certified Lactation Counselor, mother to one insanely adorable daughter, and the Touch of Gold's Founder.
Touch of Gold is a nonprofit organization for maternal wellness centering minority women on the journey of motherhood. It's our mission statement. It's our vision catalyst. It's our entire way of thinking. Have you read that and wondered what exactly we meant? What is maternal wellness? Why minorities? I understand. They are broad statements.
Let’s break it down a little.
The term maternal typically refers to mothers, “relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth.” We have had a recent global conversation surrounding the necessity of inclusion. The term mother may not specifically mean what it used to. Traditional definitions can no longer stand as is.

The next thing we have to ask ourselves is, what is a mother? Do we adhere to a gender-based ideal, or do we use the nature of the actions we attribute to mothers? At Touch of Gold, we will never try to define you for you. To us, maternal means the more generalized term “birth parent.” In instances of adoption of an infant, this may be the “nursing parent.”
These “definitions” really only apply when it comes to our services. In the Village, all are welcome, and we will support you in any way we can. We will meet you exactly where you are. You can define what mother means for you. What the village truly knows is that everyone needs and deserves support and love.
Caring for and about wellness means ensuring that you are living your best life. Oxford Language defines wellness as "the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal."
...and actively pursued goal.
We've seen plenty of things that mention some pursuit. Society instructs us to chase our dreams. Society teaches women the "right" man will pursue us. In the U.S., we talk about the pursuit of happiness. Not much goes into talking about pursuing good health.
Well, that is what this space is about. What the Village Knows is about giving you the tools and guidance to chase after better health actively. The entries you will see offer insight from various Village mentors who know their stuff. Our mentors come from every walk of life because we understand that not only those at the top can teach us.
Our desire to focus on minority populations is due to the hard reality of statistics. No matter where you look it up, you will find a stark difference in the birth and breastfeeding outcomes between white individuals and those who are not. That’s all there is to it. Equity in health care, in resources, in all things is a fight worth fighting. We have decided to aid in tipping the scales. So, we aim our efforts in ways that will directly help those who are underserved. We’re here for you. Unapologetically.
Lastly, what I know is being a mother, being a parent, is a journey. You know the end goal is raising a human that will function well in the world. You know your hopes and dreams hinge on them succeeding in everything they ever even think about. However, you never know what forks there will be on the road. You don’t know if you’ll need to switch lanes or vehicles or tactics. You only know forward because that’s all there is.
What the village knows is for you to gather tools for the journey. Healthy living is all about everything from faith and finance to self-love and stress-free living. So bookmark Channel WTVK to visit on Mondays and Thursdays ( You’ll get a little bit of everything here.
Grab a cup of tea, cozy up, and live golden.
#namaslay (The slay in me recognizes the slay in you.)
Stephanie B.